Thursday, September 07, 2006

My Show Reel

My Animation Show Reel

Please click above to watch my animation show reel on Without the help of the many talented, beautiful and industrious students at Ravensbourne College of Design and Communication, my show reel would be EVEN worse. The tutors were marvellous too. I hope you don't puke up all over yourself after enduring two and a half minutes of my work =D


Hey you guys!!! said...

you mean the tutors (other than Dan) helped you... shock horror...
check it out by the way cuthbo

And your showreel sucks... curses, I can't slag it off, I've tried but it isn't right....good luck cuthbo, I'm just popping out to through myself off the cliff. Talk to you later...

Desiree said...

Wicked Stuff Cuthbo!!
Especially the 3D swordfight and the AustinPw lipsync.
HAve you seen iron giant?? i just watched it and i believe it's overrated!! Whadooyoosay??

Hey you guys!!! said...

i've just noticed how appealing my spolling is